Arms Trade


The race of arms trading had become to expand more after the cold war. Developed countries are still working on it making more and more powerful weapons. To rule the world for money and for power of the economical supremacy. Many developing countries have been inspired to produce destructive arms. The arms trade makes the whole world in a very risky environment to be more hostile one nation to another.
Although the trade of destructive weapon trading, a major cause against human rights abuses. A huge amount of money is using to produce. The intensely competitive weapons marketplace has led several producing countries to focus sales efforts on prospective clients in nations and regions where individual suppliers have had competitive advantages resulting from well established nations to support their military support relationships. While such as approach may dampen sales of new weapons systems for a time, the weapons upgrade market can be very lucrative for some arms producers, thus partially offsetting the effect of loss of major new sales. However, there are lot of aspects is deeply related to arms trade and the human being through out the whole world.



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